It is so much fun to have repeat clients, and even more fun when you get to see newborn brunette baby clients turn into blonde big sister clients who have a whole lot to say. We revisited the ever-wonderful Rachel and Kevin (whom you may know from their first newborn shoot with us a couple years ago) and joined them in welcoming new baby boy Jonah into their lives. This also involved reuniting with previous Baby Evelyn who is now Big Sister Evelyn. Previously, she had done a whole lot of sleeping and eating. Now, her days primarily consist of running frantically from room to room, hiding from you in a cardboard box castle, eating string cheese, and jumping on the bed because the photographer asked her to, thus creating a terrible downward spiral insistence to always be jumping on the bed that I suspect Rachel and Kevin might still be dealing with to this day (sorry guys).

Jonah is currently in the Whole Lot of Sleeping and Eating Phase so he’s slightly less energetic than Big Sister at this point, but I’m sure that he’ll progress to the String Cheese Phase in no time (and hopefully Evelyn will have forgotten about my bed jumping request by the time he gets there). A big thank you and congratulations to the wonderful Rachel and Kevin – you guys are awesome and your family is really cute.

Ingrid+Jason Get Married.

We adore elopements! They are so fun and happy and lovely and all things good. This time we ventured out to Hillsborough, NC, which is a little town that we don’t shoot in nearly enough. There we met up with Emily, who used to be our wonderful videographer friend, who is now our wonderful wedding planner friend! She worked closely with Ingrid and Jason to help them out planning their elopement (along with hair peeps The Parlor and florist peeps The English Garden). Then Ingrid and Jason arrived and everyone was so excited (!!) and then they got married in the adorable little magistrate’s office in a little room where they officially became a wedded couple (mic drop). Then we walked all around in the pretty woods to take pretty pictures of them being pretty together. Thankfully it was a.) reasonably warm but b.) no mosquitos bit us and c.) some things were starting to turn green and I am so glad that winter only lasted a week.

We learned that Ingrid is a pharmacist and Jason does really complicated sciencey things. Ingrid is from Louisiana which we know is cool because we love New Orleans, but she’s from Baton Rouge. Jason is from Maine where we know is cold and is also where Stephen King lives. Jason then informed us that Stephen King used to be his basketball coach (yesssss!), and we spent the next ten minutes asking him a lot of questions about this and being really excited about our six-degrees-of-separation from The King of Horror (and basketball?) himself. We took some pictures in between asking them questions, and then walked up to LaPlace restaurant where they had a lovely Cajun dinner (for those of you who don’t parler le Francais, LaPlace is French for… The Place). We are so happy to have been part of this lovely little elopement. Congratulations to the wonderful Ingrid and Jason!