Megan + Carly // Durham Family Photographer

Megan and Carly’s children continue to amuse and delight another year later! Last time, their son was just a lil baby and Big Sister was all decked out in shark shoes and a variety of different outfits, all of them fabulous. This time, Little Brother has just turned two and loves puzzles and cars and slides and his big sister. Big Sister is four and is incredibly theatrical and loves everything and everyone, and still prefers multiple outfit changes a day into really fabulous clothes. Both of them majorly love glitter and intentionally overuse it in their craft projects. Little Brother, at one point, spilled red glitter all over his blue paints. Big Sister gasped, paused, then said, “I love that for you!” They both looked like they had murdered someone covered in glitter by the end of the project and were quite pleased with themselves. Both love dancing and playground equipment and piggyback rides and racing, although Big Sister can’t help herself regarding early starts. They’re wonderful kids who are joyful and sweet and love each other and their moms so much. I’ve loved watching Megan and Carly’s family grow over the years while watching Megan and Carly remain the same loving, compassionate, hilarious people they were when I first met them years ago.


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