IT’S CHICKEN TIME. I was very excited to spend some quality time with this long-time CSP family and their newfound chickens! The chickens, it turns out, were very excited to have their photos taken and were not shy chickens at all. They had a great time pecking around and posing for photos. Zero camera-shyness. And I had a great time, as usual, bouncing around with the humans as well, hanging out in tents and with chickens and on climbing equipment (and under it). Earlier this year, the eldest child participated in the Feather Classic where you show off your chicken to be judged and it was quite amazing. I’m hoping that the family skyrockets to Feather Classic fame, like a televised version of the National Dog Show, but for chickens. The kids are pros at handling chickens and caring for chickens, as well as collecting eggs (also pros at giving the chickens great names such as Puppy and Banana). And while not chickens, you might even recognize a few familiar paper-mache heads around the shoot… ;)

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