We went to Canada in late September and all we got was a case of Covid and some iPhone pictures. Here they are. Banff, though beautiful, is extremely crowded (all of these photos have throngs of tourists carefully framed out of the picture). For every outrageously gorgeous lake, there’s a woman changing her winter outfit into a more Instagrammable-one and having her friend take 5,000 model poses of her right next to us. It’s a very strange feeling to be in such a wild, vast place in such a densely packed crowd. It’s not ideally how we’d experience nature, but it was absolutely beautiful nonetheless. There are so many very isolated places to go in Banff if you want to go truly off the beaten path, but the main attractions are the main attractions for a reason, so you have to tolerate the large groups of people. Despite that, we’re feeling enormously grateful for our ability to travel and for our trip to see this gorgeous part of the world. Thanks to everyone who text us on our trip to make sure that we weren’t eaten by a bear.
Pictured: Calgary (to see Coheed & Cambria), Drumheller, Banff National Park, Yoho National Park, and Kootenay National Park.
All photos taken/edited on my iPhone.

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