Cat and Mitchell are two very good friends of ours. They’ve been photographed 6 times by us (insert lots of happy, nostalgic tears here) and we love love love them. Our relationship started out by us photographing them in unusually frigid weather for their engagement session in Greensboro, progressed to me jumping in a bouncy castle with Cat during a break in shooting their wedding, and now it’s devolved into me complaining about kidney stones to them at a Weezer concert. So they’re quite special to us, and now so are their children. Their son Cameron is seriously *the* sweetest and most adorable kid. Look at him. Look at him! He is constantly a smiling, happy, joyful little dude who is so sweet I could cry. He let me win at Candy Land. What 3 year old does that? He’s the best. (Note: did not let his parents win at Candy Land, definitely beat them by a landslide).
Sarah, his newfound little sister, is adorable and excels at looking cute, wearing baby Hawaiian print shirts, and staying awake until the exact moment I start eating lunch. Together, they are an unstoppable brother/sister duo I adore. We got to meet her and hang out with Cat and Mitchell for a day at Mitchell’s family’s new house in Kure Beach. This day mostly involved us discussing and worrying about rip tides, sharks, flesh-eating bacteria, and brain-eating amoebas before we finally were all brave enough to swim. Happy to say that none of things we worried about came true. However, I did break into hives for no reason and had to go in (it’s always the things you don’t see coming, isn’t it?). But – all’s well that ends well. We had a beautiful day at the coast with this family of four and we love them. Also, new family rule: no pictures ever again of any of you unless you’re all wearing matching Hawaiian outfits.
Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer candid playing games Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Lifestyle family photographer in Durham laughing and at home Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Kid baking at home with parents Family lifestyle photographer Family lifestyle photographer Family lifestyle photographer Family lifestyle photographer Family lifestyle photographer Family lifestyle photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Newborn baby photographer Family at the beach Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Durham NC Family photographer Kure Beach Family Photographer Durham NC Family photographer Durham NC Family photographer Durham NC Family photographer Durham NC Family photographer Durham NC Family photographer Durham NC Family photographer Kid at the beach Kure NC Kid at the beach Kure NC Kid at the beach Kure NC Kid at the beach Kure NC Kid at the beach Kure NC Kid at the beach Kure NC Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach Family walking along Kure Beach
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