- Raleigh courthouse elopement
- Raleigh courthouse elopement
- Raleigh courthouse elopement
- Raleigh courthouse elopement
- Raleigh courthouse elopement
- Raleigh courthouse elopement
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- Raleigh courthouse wedding photographs
- NC elopement photographers
- NC elopement photographers
- NC elopement photographers
- NC elopement photographers
- NC elopement photographers
- NC elopement photographers
- NC elopement photographers
- NC elopement photographers
- Wedding photographers in Raleigh
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- Wedding photographers in Raleigh
- Wedding photographers in Raleigh
- Wedding photographers in Raleigh
- Carolyn Scott Photography
- Watered Garden Florist
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- Watered Garden Florist
- elopement in north carolina
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- elopement in north carolina
- Watered Garden Florist
Lexie and Michael were introduced to us a long time ago by our friends Monica and Graham, whose wedding we shot back in 2012. Well, I guess we knew Lexie first (I spy her in one of their reception photos) and Michael later. Lexie is an identical twin (oddly enough, our third identical twin this season, but our fourth identical twin ever), and for a while we had absolutely no idea how to tell her and her sister Ashley apart. Later someone gave us the pro tip that Ashley has bangs and Lexie doesn’t, and it’s been somewhat easier since then, but if they aren’t standing next to each other it’s still not a fool-proof method and I’m never 100% sure in my answer. But, now that Lexie has been our (wonderful!) client, I think my chances of figuring out who is who will now have a 90% accuracy rate, white dress or not, and I think that’s the best you can really hope for with identical twins. So now that Lexie and Michael are married, it’s going to be Michael’s job to stand next to Lexie all the time so I don’t mess up.
These two were married at the courthouse in Raleigh surrounded by close family and friends, then they had a reception at Watered Garden Florist a few days later (Lexie’s mom is a florist at Watered Garden and did all the flowers for this wedding, which were amaaaaazing!), then a few days after that they had another reception in Chicago with Michael’s side of the family. We happily were able to keep her dress pretty clean throughout the courthouse ceremony and the pictures afterward roaming around the gardens so she could use it at the receptions. Michael studies trees for a living and is really into plants. Lexie rehabs turtles (very jealous of this) and has dogs and is also into plants. Together they are very nature-y and excited to take pictures by some trees and we were excited to take their pictures by trees and everyone was very, very happy. But not as happy as me, who received gluten-free cupcakes care of Monica and Graham from Lexie and Michael’s reception a few days later. ;) Mmm, cupcakes.
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