Meet Bebop. Bebop is a cat who lives in a skyscraper in downtown Raleigh with his owners, Kerry and Alex. Bebop enjoys looking out the window at the little cars, watching the hawks who live in the Wachovia building, chasing his treats across the floor, and staring intently at his parents while they cook dinner from a bar stool at the counter. Kerry and Alex were the main focal point of this engagement session, I think, but we temporarily forgot this when we met Bebop and Kerry and Alex subsequently took a back seat for a while so we could make a new best friend. We’re afraid to post the following pictures because then Bebop might see them and realize that he wasn’t 100% the star of the show and be upset with us, so Kerry and Alex, please try to stop him from looking at them after the first couple of photos. We wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Kerry+Alex // Engagement Session.
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