LOVED this wedding! renee, daniel and their family and friends are such a super friendly and nice group of people. it rained! and nobody was really even that stressed out about it! in fact, the bridal party grabbed some umbrellas and we went outside to take pictures anyway! thankfully it didn’t pour and it stopped soon after so we didn’t need them for too long, but it’s awesome when clients are that easy going. easy going and super friendly bridal party, a couple totally in love, and a group that totally knew how to throw a party. nice!

renee and daniel were married on july 31, 2010 at north raleigh presbyterian church. awesome church, by the way. has great grounds and a modern feel about it.

i was loving this ring. i like the circular design on the petite band. i have been getting some brides and grooms with awesome rings lately!

renee wore ballet flats… second bride in a row! such a great idea. i was also loving the bridesmaid attire, flowers, and shoes. tan pumps + sage green = WIN.

they are both too cute. :( they’ve dated for five years and were so comfortable and cute around each other. there were a lot of tears at the ceremony and the reception. adorable!

the below shot is my favorite ever. expect this in the portfolio soon.

the wedding reception was held at one eleven place in cary. great venue! very classy. they did an excellent job arranging everything and being super nice and organized. and renee and daniel had a candy bar! YES! and just when i got excited about that, i saw that the candy bar was lime green and purple! BIGGER YES!
all of their first dance pictures involved them laughing cutely the entire time. :)
i want this little girl’s hair!
the expression of a bouquet toss winner vs. the expressions of surprised defeat in the background:
best. garter. toss. ever. i have never seen a group of guys so enthused. usually they stand there with their arms at their sides and step aside when the garter comes towards them. :) these guys were all about it. i love the guy in the front trying to hold back the rest of the crew like, “don’t worry, dudes, i got this.”
i’ll give you three guesses for the song in the next two pictures and the first two guesses don’t count. :)
AWESOME. thanks renee and daniel! we had a great time and wish you two all the luck even though you won’t need it because you’re adorable together. :)
Omg this wedding looks like it was so much fun!! Awesome shots!
Thanks, sister!